When the founder of the PORTBooking platform & app, Hanno Vaard first realized there’s a demand on the market for such a harbour and berth booking system – he was in Nice, France in the middle of the search of buying a yacht. After the yacht was found, Hanno quite quickly understood that there’s no such easy-to-use platform for renting himself a berth and/or an environment to plan his trip with his new vessel in the Mediterranean – all the berths and marinas are either hard to find by searching through Google with no sufficient information on location, pricing etc or not at all listed on the internet.

As the love and passion towards sea, ocean & marine life have been in the heart of the PORTBooking founder from childhood already then realizing that there’s an opportunity on the market that relates with this passion as well as such a platform & app is totally missing besides of some other online environments that are already there but are not addressing the end-users who are the sailors, yacht and boat owners then it didn’t take a long time or thinking to act on this great chance to start creating the PORTBooking platform & app.

After doing the research and all the due diligence, by searching the alternatives, similar platforms/apps/systems on the internet, communicating with other sailors, yacht and boat owners, it was clear that there’s a demand on the market & actually there’s nothing similar out there like the idea for PORTBooking. As we’ve pointed out also in our roadmap that the current platform & app of PORTBooking is the initial MVP (minimum viable product) which solves the basics of the problem and can be already used worldwide, then on top of that, we’ve so many additional ideas for the bettering the user experience, adding new features and expand the user-base of the platform for which we’re in the search of both investors and experts who could really help us to boost up the process of growing our online business exponentially and fine-tune it together.